
The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) is the UK’s only not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the UK’s 4.3 million freelancers, contractors and sole traders. When working for yourself, you have to think about everything from marketing to finances. It can feel like there’s a lot on your plate, but IPSE provides you with all the advice, support, protection and connections you need to run your business, all in one place.

Our vision

A fair environment where self-employment is an aspirational and sustainable career option.

Our mission

Empowering, protecting and connecting our members for success, making IPSE the association of choice for the self-employed.


We empower our members with the right tools that help create a healthy and rewarding business now, and for the future. We help our members develop their careers through inspirational and practical content, and offer financial and wellbeing services for peace of mind.


We protect our members by campaigning and influencing government to create a fair business environment that encourages self-employment as a career choice. We help our members understand and manage their business risks, safe in the knowledge that we can provide tailored insurances and helplines that protect against the unforeseen.


We connect our members to a strong and supported network of fellow IPSE members, staff and experts that can be relied upon to advise on their needs. We help our members source expertise, engage with policymakers and collaborate together to access business opportunities.