Pilar Rivera

Mindful Pili

Mindfulness coach and trainer


About me

Hiya! I’m Pili Rivera, a mindful journeyer who transitioned from Lima’s vibrant city rhythm to the tranquil embrace of Burnley’s small-town charm in the UK. A devoted full-time mother and part-time student pursuing a Masters in Mindfulness, my life is an interweaving of family nurturance and knowledge expansion. Originating from a demanding 15-year banking career, I ventured into mindfulness to reclaim equilibrium from relentless stress. This voyage led me to the transformative essence of mindfulness, inspiring me to bid adieu to banking and embrace roles as a mindfulness teacher, meditation guide, health coach, and radical forgiveness advocate. Drawing from my personal odyssey, I connect profoundly with those seeking a healthier, happier existence. Guided by my journey, I ardently share mindfulness benefits to navigate challenges and uncover serenity and joy in the now. Join me on this transformative expedition towards a more fulfilling life.


Teaching and other educational professional


Training Coaching & Mentoring Life Coaching