Matt Craven

The CV & Interview Advisors

CV Writer


About me

I am the Founder of The CV & Interview Advisors, DCS Executive, The Career Enhancement Network and Incredibly-Linked, and regular speaker on winning work, career development, personal branding, thought-leadership, and LinkedIn. Our clients (typically experienced professionals and executives) consistently secure top jobs with the best companies and maximise lifetime earnings.

★ CVIA Careers, The CV & Interview Advisors and DCS Executive provide CV/resume writing, LinkedIn authoring and other career related services to experienced professionals, NEDs and contractors. We have a reputation for being the Top Gun of our industry that has worked with some of the world’s most impressive talent. This includes outplacement services for companies making redundancies. If you want more interviews for better jobs at a higher salary, please get in touch. #CV #resume #CVwriting #Interviews #Outplacement #Redundancy #NED #Contracting

★ We run a career content programme for job boards, institutes, associations, educational institutes and recruitment companies globally, providing high quality workshops, webinars, articles, guides and videos on career related topics. We work with some of the world’s leading organisations who offer our content to their candidates / users / members / students. #MemberBenefits #Webinars

★ Incredibly-Linked provides LinkedIn services to businesses including LinkedIn profile authoring. If you are looking for more high-quality leads with zero ad spend, we can help. If you’re a LinkedIn coach wanting to outsource LinkedIn profile writing, get in touch. #LinkedInSelling #LinkedIn #LinkedInProfiles

★ The Career Enhancement Network is arguably the world’s biggest library of career development content and resources to help professionals, executives, contractors and NEDs develop their careers and maximise lifetime earnings. Subscribe for just £19.99 and get access to over 270 articles, guides and videos. #careerdevelopment #personalbranding

Contact me on [email protected] / 07967 702 952.


Careers adviser or vocational guidance specialist


Marketing Copywriting LinkedIn

Work history

Jan 2020 - Present