About me

Writer and journalist for 20 years, and marketing specialist for 10+ focusing mainly on SEO, content strategy and delivery.


Author, writer or translator Marketing and sales director Marketing associate professional


Content Writer Copywriting Proofreading & Editing Copy Proofreading & Editing Drafts Proof-Reading / Quality Assurance Social Media Social media management Social Media Marketing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) SEO SEO Forecasting Writing Reports Writing & Submitting Copy Writing & Editing Copy Writing Drafting & Writing Text Editing Editing & Incorporating Changes Marketing Digital Marketing Digital Media Website audits Marketing Strategy Thought Leadership Marketing Working with Designers & Marketing Experts

Work history

Content and SEO Strategy and Delivery


Mar 2022 - Present

Supporting the IPSE Marketing team with the creation of content and marketing strategies, with a primary focus on SEO, but also supporting other marketing activities. Key tasks have included identifying technical and on-page content gaps, creating new sections of the site to attract new potential members, and writing content as required.


High Commended, Automotive Category

UK National Blog Awards, 2015

Personal project website was highly commended in the UK National Blog Awards, 2015.
